About Us

 Agarwal Seva Samity aims:

1) To perpetuate the memory of ‘MAHARAJA AGRASEN’.

2) To help and give relief to the poor and indigent and other deserving person or persons by providing food, shelter, periodical distribution of cloth, medicine and money and other necessities, also to provide books and scholarship to deserving students, sports persons and others and to distribute aims in cash or kind annually out of the funds of the samity.

3) To give sermons and instructions on the general upliftment of human being and other religious scriptures and arrange for and provide all suitable and necessary ways and means for the daily worship and periodical festivals of local and national importance according to the wishes of people and the members of the samity and offering puja and bhoga to ‘MAHARAJA AGRASEN’ and for observance of such other occasional religious festivals at the Agrasen Bhavan at Tinsukia, as may be decided by the samity from time to time.

4) To give, provide and/or render monetary and/or other help and assistance for the relief of persons affected by natural and other calamities such as flood, fire, cyclone, earthquake, famine, storms, riots, accident, pestilence, drought, epidemic, etc. and to give donation or contribution to establishments, centers or persons doing relief work on such occasion.

5) To give, provide and/or render help and assistance to and/or implement any scheme for providing livelihood and upliftment of the poor.

6) To open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain finance, support and/or provide aid to or help in the setting up and/or maintaining or running orphanages, homes for the aged, lunatic asylums, or other establishment for relief and/or help the poor, old and infirm people, widows and/or destines.

7) To promote, advance and encourage and/or aid in helping, promoting, advancing and encouraging primary, secondary and higher education including technical and medical education, physical training, training of handicrafts, fine arts and other useful arts, crafts among the people including the establishment and maintenance of shilpa-shikashlayas, kala Kendra and other welfare centers for the use and benefits of general public.

8) To run, assist and/or sponsor vocational training centers, cottage industry, emporium etc. for the poorer section of the society especially for the poor women and children in order to generate self employment and self dependence.

9) To manage and administer any orphanage, nursing home, hospital, library, reading room, trust, school, college and other institution irrespective of caste, creed or social status.

10) To receive and collect any gift, corpus gift, subscriptions and donations from any other societies, persons, firms, body corporate, etc/ or acquire by any other lawful ways or means and spend the same in accomplishment of all or any of the aims and objects of the samity. The income and properties of the samity shall be applied solely for the promotion and fulfillments of the aims and objects of the samity, provided if any donor intends that his contributions, donation and subscription shall be applied to the attainment of any particular object or objects of the society, such contribution, donation, subscription shall be spent towards the promotion of that particular object or objects only.

11) To apply the income and properties of the samity for the fulfillment of the objects and not to pay any portion thereof by way of profit or dividend or bonus.

12) To arrange and/or provide for the long-standing practice of annual observation of “MAHARAJA AGRASEN JAYANTI” at the Maharaja Agrasen Smriti Bhawan, Tinsukia.

13) To perpetuate, keep and maintain the aforesaid Maharaja Agrasen Smriti Bhawan and other premises and the land attached thereto at Makum Road, Tinsukia in good state and condition and make such additions, alterations, modification and repairs thereto as may be necessary.

14) To construct, maintain, extend, alter, repair, or improve any building and premises that may required by the samity. To undertake administration of any Charitable Institution or endowment.

15) To join, subscribe to, federate or affiliate with any other Association or society, whose objects are in whole or part similar to those of this samity and also to allow the same privileges to such other bodies as desire to join, subscribe to federate or affiliate with this samity.

16) To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, lands and buildings and other properties, movable or immovable that may be deemed, necessary or useful for the advancement of the objects of the samity or any of them.

17) To start/ carry on any business, trade or adventure in the nature of the business or trade which is incidental to the attainment of the main objectives of the samity.

18) To do all such lawful acts, deeds and things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the main object or any of them.

19) To form a code or codes of practice to simplify and facilitate transaction of business.

20) To maintain uniformity in rules, regulations and usages in the various facets of the samity.

21) Without prejudice to the generality of the above objects and for effectively carrying out the same, the samity shall have power to receive, hold and possess any property including securities of any kind and to construct and maintain any building, to manage, transfer or otherwise dispose of or deal in any property of security and to enter into any contract for or on connection with the purposes of the samity to raise money and funds including debentures and to establish provident fund or funds for the benefit of the employees of the samity and to accept the management of any trust or endowment in which the samity may be interested. The samity shall also have the power to frame rules and bylaws under its constitution.